Friday Poll 2_1_08 Lost Things
I lose things constantly. I can't explain why I do this. I guess if I had to pick one thing that I lose more than anything else, it would be sunglasses. It seems like I can own 5 or 6 pairs of sunglasses, but I can still never find them when I need them. So, what is something that you can't seem to ever find?
Friday Poll 1_25_08 Falling down
The other night as I was getting into the bathtub, my foot slid out from under me and I fell on the side of the bathtub on my leg. I had forgotten how bad it hurts to completely lose my balance like that and fall. Do you have a memorable falling experience?
Happy birthday, Corinne!
I meant to post this yesterday, but better late than never!
Things Owen has done in the past few days
1. Dumped out a mug of coffee he pulled off the kitchen counter.
2. Dumped an entire box of Cheerios on the kitchen floor.
3. Poured dishwashing detergent on the floor.
4. Put a ball in the subwoofer that made it rattle so much that we thought we needed a new one - until we found the ball.
5. Grabbed a pepper shaker off the counter and ran into the living room and started shaking it all over the couch.
6. Put a toy fish in the dishwasher.
7. Drew all over the bathroom counter with lipgloss and mascara.
8. Spilled a Dr. Pepper on the kitchen floor.
9. Threw laundry in the bathtub.
10. Tried to eat dogfood.
Congratulations, Austin
Austin was sworn in again last week for another 2 year city council term. It was nice that he got in unopposed this time.
I didn't really think a butter knife could do much damage until earlier tonight.
I completely sliced my finger open with a butter knife. I was trying to pry frozen hamburger patties apart and the knife slipped and cut my left index finger right near the knuckle. It bled forever. I think it has finally stopped bleeding, but I might should've gotten a stitch. Ick.
Well, after 4 days of Comcast hell, we have our Tivo working. Finally! I could hardly believe it when the channels actually started working. For anyone else having a technical problem that your local Comcast techs can't seem to solve, we eventually solved the problem by doing a live chat on the internet with Comcast. The guy activated the Tivo from wherever he was in the matter of minutes. I sure wish we had done that the first night, rather than relying on the local guys who are not trained at all to work on Tivos. I am so relieved.
Today has been one of those days.
It just seems like I've been busy all day, but I've gotten absolutely nothing done and everything ends up frustrating me. And it didn't help that Owen was acting like he had been injected with shots of adrenaline all day even though he was exhausted. At least for the moment I can sit down and relax. Ahhhhh... that's nice.
Netflix Movies from 2007
Our list just gets shorter and shorter every year. I took off a few that I know we didn't watch or ones which we watched just a few minutes, but there are still some on here of which I have absolutely no recollection.
1408: Unrated Version
Shrek the Third
28 Weeks Later
I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry
Freaks & Geeks: The Complete Series: Disc 3 (6-Disc Series)
Black Snake Moan
Freaks & Geeks: The Complete Series: Disc 2 (6-Disc Series)
The Last Mimzy
The Darwin Awards
Tenacious D: Complete Masterworks: Disc 1 (2-Disc Series)
Tenacious D: Complete Masterworks: Disc 2 (2-Disc Series)
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead
Weeds: Season 2: Disc 2 (2-Disc Series)
Weeds: Season 2: Disc 1 (2-Disc Series)
Five Easy Pieces
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang
Un Coeur en Hiver
Freaks & Geeks: The Complete Series: Disc 1 (6-Disc Series)
Weeds: Season 1: Disc 2 (2-Disc Series)
Pi: Faith in Chaos
Love and Death
Film Crew: Hollywood After Dark
Weeds: Season 1: Disc 1 (2-Disc Series)
The Omen 666
Raging Bull
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest
Running with Scissors
Prozac Nation
The Party
An Evening With Kevin Smith: Disc 2 (2-Disc Series)
An Evening With Kevin Smith: Disc 1 (2-Disc Series)
Dog Day Afternoon
Time Bandits
Thank You for Smoking
Mississippi Burning
Rocky Balboa
Casino Royale
The Rolling Stones: Gimme Shelter
Masked & Anonymous
Brazil: The "Love Conquers All" Version
For Your Consideration
An Everlasting Piece
A Scanner Darkly
Johnny English
Nacho Libre
Kramer vs. Kramer
To Owen... (22 Months Old)

I skipped a month, so this letter is going to cover the past two months. It is amazing how much harder parenting gets each month. Some things get easier, but some things get harder. But, no matter what, I still love you more than ever.

Your vocabulary is growing by leaps and bounds. Your words still are not entirely clear and not all of them are entirely accurate either (you still insist that trains are "cars"), but you are starting to understand much more. And it seems like you are trying to repeat what we are saying more. One word that you have completely mastered, although you prefer to use it than to obey it, is the word "no."

You have also started to sing. You sing part of "Twinkle, twinkle little star." You sing, "Up abub da world..." and that's about it. You started that when we were at Disneyworld about a month ago. Now, every time you see a star you start singing up abub da world... and say, "star." Most recently, you have started singing your ABC's. You sing, "A, B, C, D..." and occasionally, "H, I, J..." and you sort of hum along with the rest of the song, although you don't really say any of the other letters clearly.

Some of your other newer words are Elmo, moon, circle, star, banana, cookie, apple, bouncey/bounce (although it sounds more like bicey or sometimes bots) and hat.

You have pretty much outgrown your "Baby Einstein" and "Brainy Baby" videos, but you have really gotten into "The Wiggles" and "Mickey Mouse Clubhouse." It is so cute to watch you dancing along with the Wiggles. I love to watch you try to copy some of their dances and clap along to the songs.

You dance to almost any music or anything that resembles music. You start dancing when you hear a phone off the hook, when the washing machine is going through the spin cycle, when you hear loud running water, and when the alarm clock goes off. You even started dancing to a CD skipping really loudly at a restaurant the other day.

Some loud noises freak you out a little bit, but if it is a loud motor (like a hair dryer or lawn mower) you usually start making car noises, which sound like, "mmmmmrrroom, mroom."

Your expressions just get sillier and sillier every day. You make this one funny face where you sort of roll your eyes upward and move your head around. And sometimes when you smile you make your eyes disappear.

You can be entertained for very long periods of time by closing yourself in the closet and having me "look for you." I act like I've lost you, saying, "where's Owen? I can't find him. Where'd he go?" Then I open the door really fast and say, "peek-a-boo! There he is." When you say peek-a-boo it sounds like, "hu-boo." When we are over at Nanny and Grandaddy's house, you and Wyatt both like to play this game in their utility room. The two of you go way back into the room and hide behind a laundry hamper. It is really cute. One time I opened the door the other day and you were giving some bouncy balls that you were holding to Wyatt. I hope the two of you become great friends. Although, it might take some time...

You are getting to where you are a little bit more possessive of your toys and the toys you want to play with than you used to be. One day you wanted to ride on Ethan's new bike that looks like a motorcycle. You threw a fit when you had to give it back to Ethan. I guess it is good that you're standing up for yourself, but it also makes it a little difficult to get you to give up things that will hurt you or to get you to do things you don't want to do.

Speaking of things you don't want to do, I can't even begin to express how horrible it is to have to brush your teeth every day. I have to hold you down, while you scream and thrash and try to clamp your teeth down on the toothbrush (and have I mentioned how strong you are?). We get through it, but it is awful.

You have been going through some really rough separation anxiety, but I think it is easing up a tiny bit (maybe, knock on wood). It seemed really bad around Thanksgiving and when we were at Disneyworld. I think part of it may have been caused by me being in the hospital in early November. I was away from you for the longest time I ever left you - I think it was close to 12 hours. I think that incident and just the hectic nature of the holidays and vacation, made you feel a little bit insecure. Like I said, lately, things seem to be getting a little bit better. I know you seem to be sleeping better since you got back on your semi-normal sleep schedule.

You have a great time with your daddy. The two of you have gotten closer in the past couple of months. You love to eat with him and play with him.

Yesterday, you played basketball with him. The outside basketball goal is still a little tall for you, but you still enjoy trying to make a basket.

Mostly you just walk near the goal and throw the ball at the pole.

Sometimes the ball goes the wrong way.

And sometimes you just hit the pole.

I love that you keep trying though.

The other night I heard you crying in your crib. I walked into your room and you had a very dirty diaper. I changed the diaper and nursed you. When you were done, you sat up for a second and smiled at me and patted my face. Then you curled up in a little ball and went back to sleep, totally satisfied. As I carried you to your crib, I thought about how sweet and wonderful it is that I made you so happy just by taking care of you. I know that in your life, things won't always go your way and you will suffer the inevitable heartbreaks that come with living, but know that I will always be here for you. I probably will not be able to make it all better, but I will try.

Love, Mama
My dad
My dad was having surgery on his shoulder at 2:00 today. I am just waiting to hear from my mom to see how everything went.
Happy New Year and Go Dawgs!
2008 is here. Hard to believe. And what a great football game to start the New Year off. I did get a little tired of the announcers going on and on about Hawaii though. It was kind of a mismatch, but at least we proved that we may have deserved a shot at that National Championship.