Once again, Apple makes me drool...
Look at this!!!
Holly McDoggie
Holly has been doing
this ever since she was groomed. We think she either has some kind of allergy, or she doesn't like her short hair and it itches or else she may have impacted anal sacs. We did some research and found, perhaps,
the grossest website on the internet. And if you visit it, you have to scroll down to the interactive animation! Funny (but sick too)!
Gillam goes to college and Oh no, COWS!!!
First of all,
the cow didn't make it.
Well, my cousin, Gillam is officially a college student now. That is so exciting! I miss college. I know she'll have such a great time. And if you want to read about the school she's going to, just scroll down to the post titled "Georgia, hail to Thee." Anyway, I knew Gillam was all grown up when she was in my wedding last year. I thought I'd post some wedding pictures of us girls, so everyone can put a face with the name. I posted some other pictures from the wedding last year in July. You can access them
here if you want to.
My bridesmaids were (starting with left, top row) Ashley (friend), Caroline (cousin), Gillam (cousin), Shanna (friend), Jennifer (cousin), and Becca (sister) was the matron of honor and Amanda (friend) was my maid of honor. We had so much fun together (as you can see in the pictures at the reception).
Holly, the poor little rat dog

This picture was taken Thursday when Holly had her haircut. She is at the vet right now because they spayed her yesterday. It was so sad leaving her there.
Poor Cows...
Cow story
Georgia, Hail to thee
Well, I'm proud to see that the University of Georgia made
The Princeton Review list a few times this year:
University of Georgia
#2 Their Students (Almost) Never Study
Umm... I guess they didn't ask the graphic design school (although we didn't study as much as work on our projects until the wee hours of the night).
#11 Great College Newspaper
#8 Students Pack The Stadiums
#16 Lots Of Beer
#18 Lots Of Hard Liquor
#8 Party Schools
WOO-HOO, this is what I'm most proud of
#20 Dorms Like Dungeons
#15 Jock Schools
In state rival, Georgia Tech also made the list:
#1 Class Discussions Rare
#4 Professors Get Low Marks
#10 Professors Make Themselves Scarce
#15 Campus Is Tiny, Unsightly, Or Both
This must be for the campus being tiny, because Tech actually has a pretty campus.
#15 Dorms Like Dungeons
#16 Least Happy Students
My cousin, Gillam, is going to Florida State. It was pretty close to UGA in a lot of the rankings. Here are some of their highlights:
#3 Their Students (Almost) Never Study
#5 Students Pack The Stadiums
#6 Lots Of Beer
#17 Major Frat And Sorority Scene
#6 Party Schools
#19 Dorms Like Dungeons
#3 Jock Schools
And, I couldn't leave out my friends from Auburn:
#12 Great College Library
#15 Students Pack The Stadiums
#13 Students Most Nostalgic for Ronald Reagan
#19 Future Rotarians And Daughters Of The American Revolution
#11 Jock Schools
#10 Town-Gown Relations Are Good
Touch down, luggage dumper
Well, Becca's plane landed on schedule at Hartsfield. They've been in Utah since Friday. I thought they were a little crazy to fly on Friday the 13th, and that's why I didn't want to blog about it until they were safe and sound in good ole ATL. When my mom was emailing me about them arriving, she said that it takes a while to get to the luggage dumper. I think that's a better name than baggage claim. And my uncle suggested lumpster dumpster, but I don't know if many people would know what "lumpster" is.
It hurts to drop your alarm clock right on the top of your foot! It also hurts to roll over your big toe with your office chair! Just thought I'd share.
Okay, random...
I've been wanting to put these pictures on my blog, but they don't really go with anything, so I just thought I'd create a post for them.
First, here's Austin standing next to the
Airstream Trailer that my uncle,
Doug has been traveling around in this summer. It is parked at my parents' house right now, so I took a picture of Austin next to it. I thought it would be bigger.

This is a picture of me with a snake. I've always liked snakes. This was taken at my grandparents' house. The guy is Wallace White. He was a friend of my grandfather's.

And this is a car I saw going down 78. Austin was driving and we never got close enough to the side of it for me to get a great picture. This is an old Caprice Classic, the same as my first car (I only had it for a few days before I managed to total it). I thought these wheels were hilarious. They are huge with very shiny spinning hubcaps.
Not just another pretty face
She may not be the prettiest dog in the world, but she's pretty funny.

And, in case you didn't notice her "Elvis" face, have a closer look.

Oh yeah, she has funny hair too.
Fashion tip for the girl who was walking around in Snellville yesterday with her butt hanging out for everyone and anyone to see
You know, just as a rule, if you are going to wear a really short skirt, check the mirror first to see if your butt shows!! And for God's sake, if there is any chance that your butt might show accidentally, wear underwear!!!!
Excuse me while I throw a completely immature and bratty temper tantrum!!!
Ugghhhhhhhhh!!!!! Why have the active corners on my computer all of a sudden decided to become inactive? Many of you non-Mac users have no idea what I'm talking about, but one of the coolest things on OSX is that you can run your mouse up to the top left corner of your screen and see all of the windows that you have open at the same time. Once you get used to this feature it is very hard to revert. I keep doing it and nothing happens. It is driving me batty!
And why can't my laptop just have one more USB port? That would make life so perfect.
Anyway, with that being said, a wonderful envelope awaited me yesterday when I got home. Ashley had sent these beautiful pictures from her wedding. Aren't they great?

And these are of Rebecca, Ethan and Jake in
Dillsboro, NC. They went there to ride on "Big, big Thomas," as Ethan called it (really
Thomas the Tank Engine).
A Glitch in the Matrix
Why is it that every time I have taken Holly outside today to "do her business" the same calico cat has come walking across the neighbor's yard in the same direction towards our house, distracting Holly into forgetting why we came outside in the first place?
Why I love the Crocodile Hunter and Holly goes to the vet
For some reason, it seems when nothing else is on TV, Austin and I end up watching the Crocodile Hunter. The actual show is always fairly entertaining, but lately they have been putting on these biography-type shows about him on Animal Planet. He is such a nutty guy, but I really do think it is so sweet how much he loves animals and kids and his wife. And how amazing is it that he found someone who loves him, not despite his craziness, but because of his craziness? I mean, they were looking for crocodiles on thier honeymoon and Steve had to save her from this deadly snake... not my idea of a romantic getaway.
One time he even rescued someone whose boat had been capsized. He heard the report on the radio and he said something like "Crikey, we've got to go look for those blokes!" (I don't really know if that's what he said, but it does sound like something he'd say). Anyway, the guy he saved didn't know who he was, but can you imagine treading water for like 24 hours only to be rescued by the Crocodile Hunter?
And it made me cry when he was talking about how his best friend, his dog, Chili had been killed. I think they were hunting for boars and one of the guys freaked out and shot Steve's dog by mistake. It was so sad hearing him talk about it. Anyway, he should either be committed or given some kind of prize for caring so much about animals.
Speaking of animals, I took Holly to the vet today. She did really well. She had a lot of buildup and stuff in her ears so they had to really clean them out and we have to put stuff in her ears every day for a week and then once weekly after that. Gross! I told the vet that it sounded like a good job for my husband. But she was really good the whole time. The nurses (is that what they're called?) were amazed at how still and quiet she was while they poked and prodded in her ear canals.
Holly is a good dog. She barks at the reflection of the TV on the front door and likes to carry her bed out to the living room every night, but she's pretty mellow. We bought her a red collar with rhinestones on it. She looks very fancy.